About Me

I’m 48 years old.

I’m a Taurus Sun with a Cancer Moon and saggi rising and was born on Earth day (I love that)

The true essence of Alchemy is to understand the relationship that all things have with each other, which is to have true wisdom.-Benjamin Bagenski

I have always seen myself as an alchemist.

People have always said that I make them instantly feel at ease and safe around me, they feel driven to share the contents of their heart, and I listen with gentleness and acceptance and give them encouragement on their journey, and reassure them that all of life has a beauty and an unseen purpose of which we are a part, and of which we can become more active participants in the unfolding of the magic, and to know that we even create the magic.

Our history is what we marinate in. I think most people are detached from this truth, but it really is truth, and what we marinate in becomes who we are. Our history is what creates the energy in our body, so I have the ability to gently shine a light lovingly on what peoples histories are and how it consistently shows up in their lives.

They are often stunned with how quickly they see and feel the truth of what I say, and that is when the alchemical process truly begins.

It is such an honor to witness that spark of understanding.

I am grateful to be gifted with the skills of an alchemist, I have been an alchemist for many lifetimes, and I love it.

I do weekly forecast energy readings over at The Tarot Alchemist, hope to see you there.

I also do some chitty chatty spiritual growth using the tarot over here.




48 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. wow, I can’t believe I just read this! marriage does fuck up things, I agree and kids always get tangled in the middle. I hope you read my tarot sometimes, I’m always interested in these things

  2. If you check out my online services you can see my Tarot prices there 🙂
    My relationship with my children improves every day, the older they get the easier things click into place for them, not saying its easy for them..but its clicking, life has a funny way of working out for the best..even when its disguised as shitty and horrid

  3. 1EarthUnited said:

    Hi Leisa, I came across your blog via Ness’. Wishing you a most joyous New Year and look forwards to sharing ideas and posts with you. Be well!

  4. Here’s to a Wondrous Happy New Year 2013 filled with Joy, Peace and Love and Tarot Cards that show us our True Self!


  5. I am so glad i found your blog! There can’t be other healers – or diviners but wounded ones, the biggest souls do get tested… albeit i do believe that on another level we did choose all the experiences we are living 😉

    In Kabbalistic horoscope i am Taurus/ Sun, Cancer/ Moon, i hear you! 😉

    • Thank you so much..and yes definately *chose* my life experience 😉 I wouldn’t change a thing, its been one hell of a ride so far! Ahhhh Taurus Sun Cancer Moon SiStar!


  6. Thank you for visiting – I’m lucky that you did so that I could find yours…

  7. Ahw love your photo. You look gorgeous!!

  8. So nice to find your lovely countenance and authentic voice out in the ethers. We have much to gain through sharing our truths and paths. Thanks for sharing yours. 🙂

  9. Wonderful blog 🙂 i feel a kindred spirit in your writings 🙂 brightest blessings lovely one 🙂

  10. Thank you so much!
    Peaceful Blessings!!

  11. VeronicaBud said:

    Clever beautiful words! I really enjoyed how you described yourself and your life in this post. You have a great sense of humor! I wish to be able to live with so many animals 🙂 The photo of you is great as well. I am glad I came across this blog, as I enjoyed it and I am looking forward to reading your posts (I don’t know much about Tarot reading). Cheers!

    • Thank you Veronica..checking out your blog I see you are new here like myself, change is for sure the constant..looking forward to getting to know you.
      Blessings in Oneness

      • VeronicaBud said:

        Hello Leisa! Glad to getting to know you as well! Yes I am new and still figuring my way around WordPress. Thank you for stopping by! 🙂

      • My pleasure..its taken me awhile to learn how to navigate this place..but getting there

  12. Hi Leisa – Fellow Taurus/Cancer/Libra here. I also lost my dad at age 4 but took a few more years to lose my mom and grandmother. I remained a “lost child” until I was over 50 and then began to get my feet under me for real. Glad we found each other. Many blessings in this New Paradigm Year ONE – 2013 – Alia

    • Ahhh another Taurus…Greetings to you!! Isn’t this New Paradigm wonderful!!
      I am getting together with a group of friends this Friday New Moon to meditate upon a vision for this New Earth..wish you could be with us

  13. OK Dear Heart, my awards page is up. You can take a look at this link. Thanks again and so many blessings, Alia http://wp.me/P2BC2S-jb

  14. I just nominated you for the Shine On Award.

  15. I am very very lucky you are here I think somehow – there seems to be a lot in what you wrote I understand there..will be dropping in on your blog I think these times…! More later.

  16. Thank you so much for checking out my artwork and following my blog 😀

  17. Your story is worth a novel at least 🙂
    Pleasure to have bumped onto your space !

  18. You’ve had such a full, well lived life. Blessings to you! xo

  19. Just saying hi. Heard you on Arwen’s chat today and felt a connection. Loved the idea of “My whole life is a spell.” and “Honor my shittyness.” Lovely spending some time with you!

    • Hi Kate!
      Thanks so much, always nice to meet another kindred spirit.
      Arwens interview was great fun!!
      Thanks for dropping by xxx

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