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In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Enough Is Enough.”

Ohhhh I was soooo close to throwing in the towel last year.
Nothing was working, we were wanting to do an extension on our house, but it cost way too much for what we were wanting.
Our work space is our home space we work from home in our Accounting Business, so our office had taken over our entire living room, and our tiny spare bedroom had become our living space, pretty cramped with me, my partner, our two dogs and 2 cats!
A miracle occurred thankfully, and an amazing opportunity came up for us to sell our home and purchase another property with no realestate fees involved (BIG SAVING)
It was meant to be…but Ohhh Lordy it was on again off again, and 4 months down the track I was about to pull my hair out with the stress. I’m a Taurus and being anchored is SUPER important to me.

JUST when I let it all go and cried every tear my body could produce, the sale went through!

And here we are


Moral of the story…release the stress..but hold your dreams